
Because we look and think ahead

As a production and commercial trading company, bellissa has a special responsibility – for its products and also of course for our environment. For us, sustainability therefore means not just developing guaranteed durable solutions, but also working and living in harmony with nature.


Resource-friendly production

At bellissa, wherever possible, we use materials that can be recycled or regrown and are biologically degradable. These include wood and bamboo, but also recyclable steel and plastic. We take care to reduce waste as much as possible by using the appropriate packaging and products.  Also, with our high level of in-house production, we contribute to minimising the emissions created by transport and storage.

Creating space for life

bellissa supports the creation of biological micro-systems with its composting solutions. We also create living spaces for animals and plants, for example by managing a wildflower meadow in Bodnegg-Kofeld. We initiated this project in summer 2021 together with the Bodnegg enterprises STERK Group and HAS Technologie GmbH.

On an area of five hectares, there is food here for insects and other wild animals and ground-breeding birds such as skylarks are happy to find the right nesting places for their species. And when in late summer sunflowers, sweet clover, fennel, wild carrot and knapweed have finished flowering, these are mown and chopped to form a completely naturally grown biomass and used by a biogas plant operator.

Renaturierung unseres Firmenaußengeländes

bellissa Hortus

Wir schützen die Artenvielfalt!


Im Rahmen unser Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie haben wir begonnen unser Firmenaußengelände umzustrukturieren und zu renaturieren. Unser neuer "bellissa Hortus" sollte nachhaltig und naturnah sein. Wir wollten einen neuen Lebensraum für möglichst viele heimische Pflanzen und Insekten schaffen, und haben uns von Experten beraten lassen. Erfahre hier mehr über unser Projekt.

Bodnegg enterprises are protecting species diversity

In Bodnegg-Kofeld everything was buzzing and humming. Three Bodnegg enterprises are the sponsors. A wildflower meadow was created on an area of five hectares, providing food for insects and wild animals and living space for ground-breeding birds such as the skylark.

But that wasn’t enough: once such plants as sunflowers, sweet clover, fennel, wild carrot and knapweed had finished flowering in late summer, these were handed over as mown and chopped ecological biomass to a biogas operator. The two managing directors, Oliver Kühn from bellissa HAAS GmbH and Hans-Peter Blum from HAS Technologie GmbH, didn’t take long to agree when the agricultural operator Klaus Sterk knocked on the door with his idea for this project. Also acting as the managing director of the STERK Group, he had already been working on the project for the biogas wildflower meadow for months.


Climate neutral company

We are aware of our special responsibility towards future generations. For this reason, we have offset the greenhouse gas emissions caused by our company by purchasing a total of 3182 climate protection certificates. With these certificates, we support the project "CMD water India".

We have been awarded the status of a “Climate Neutral Company” for the compensation of our greenhouse gases. This makes bellissa one of the first companies in the industry to voluntarily compensate for its emissions according to the Clean Development Mechanism.

The 2030 Agenda, with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is a global plan to promote sustainable peace and prosperity and protect our planet. Since 2016, all countries have been working to translate this shared vision for fighting poverty and reducing inequalities into national development plans. In doing so, it is particularly important to address the needs and priorities of the most vulnerable populations and countries - because only if no one is left behind can the 17 goals be achieved by 2030.

Sustainable cities and communities

Making cities and settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Responsible Consumption and production patterns

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Climate action

Take immediate action to combat climate change and its effects

Life below water

Conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

Life on land

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, manage forests sustainably, combat desertification, end and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss.

Partnerships for the goals

Strengthen means of implementation and breathe new life into the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development